dinsdag 11 mei 2010

ICC10pug nummero 5

Tuesdayafternoon, time for another last-minute ICC10pug. I'm glad i'm not the leader of it, what a hassle it is to gather a raid. Anyways, roughly 30 to 45 minutes after I've been invited the raid is completed and we're in ready to go.

And it went allright, a few deaths on the big nasty skeletons since we had no rogue to deactivate the traps but furtherly the lower spire got oneshotted. After that there was one valkyr that took like 6 minutes but that was because of the obnoxious amount of healers he duplicated. All plaguewingtrash including the puppies oneshotted, same as rot and fester who were the objective for the quest.

Next stop, Valithria, same story. After that we went to see the Blood Prince Council. Two wipes there, one with kinetic bombs falling, the other with the spriest tanking Keleseth dying. And a good dose of empowered shopck vortex all around aswell.

And then we stopped. With the raid being a last-minute tuesday raid people didn't expect to be in there so long and kill so much so many had to go.

With the unexpected but certainly welcomed boost to my frosties collection I had enough for the Gauntlets of the Kraken. Which are a pretty nice upgrade from my T9-232 freebies :)
Unbuffed health went past the 40k mark and armor went past the 30k mark, good stuff.

Also the Ashen Verdict reputation got a nice boost to 9168/12000. Plans: Pillars of Might here I come! I've been walking around with the required materials for a few weeks but i'll be damned if I let someone else craft them!

Crafting, emblems and reputation seem to be the only way I can get upgrades anyways. 28 ICC bosses and not one drop to show for it. The allmighty RNGgod must hate me for some reason. And it's not the first time, Lady Deathwhisper took 16 kills on for my hunter's pretty pants to drop and even before that when gearing up it took me 41 runs to heroic FoS to finally pick up the Needle-Encrusted Scorpion. The fact that the RNGgod has its influence in "/roll" aswell doesn't help very much either!

Lootwhine over, you can go now.

1 opmerking:

  1. You have all the luck :)

    Don't forget the 25-orso runs to HoL? for that def-trinket....
