maandag 3 mei 2010

Steamynose snorts!

And Steamy's blog was born! What will you find here? Mostly wow-related things I come across when playing on either side of Argent Dawn europe.

On the alliance side there's my dwarf hunter Gunho, who's time in Azeroth is mostly spend in ICC25, logging on shortly before and logging off shortly after the raid.

But most time spent currently is on the horde side where my cow tonk Steamynose does as he feels like in the guild [Single Abstract Noun]. But since you're reading this you probably already knew that.

As for the future (read: Cataclysm), who knows! But the most appealing race/class combinations to me are:
  1. Forsaken Hunter
  2. Troll Druid
  3. Dwarven Enhancement Shaman
  4. Tauren Holy Paladin
  5. Tauren Shadow Priest

Most likely i'll start with the #1 on the list especially with the changes hunters get, and I like them. To elaborate on that, Gunho has levelled from 1-80 using nothing but self-made engineering guns. And it never really felt quite magical shooting whatever I came across with my tinkered guns and ammo. "Whadda ya mean mana, it's called GUNPOWDER!". So i'm rather curious on how the levelling will go with focus instead of mana.

Enough ramblings for now, time see if I can customise this blog a bit.

1 opmerking:

  1. Congratulations on your new blog! It looks terrific- I'll be checking back in regularly!
